Saturday Night Big City Lights, JH, WC,WCX Sire: RockErin Fionn MacCool, JH, WCX Dam: Topbrass Alpine Babe Whelped: 08/31/09 Eye cert & hips info
Hips: OFA GR-105333G29M-VPI
Eyes: GR-EYE374/66M-VPI (2015)
Heart: OFA GR-CA21173/26M/C-VPI
Elbows: OFA GR-EL26211M29-VPI
Thyroid: Normal
Prcd-PRA status- Clear (12-3962)

Tucker Earns his WC, WCX Titles 2011 Tucker Always in our hearts 8/31/09- 3/23/17
Tucker is personally trained and handled by us for AKC Hunt Tests. He earned his Junior Title one week after his first birthday, and the following year , earned both his WC and WCX Titles on the same day. He is extremely focused at the line and has great perserverance in the field. He is a loving pet at home, but when he knows he is going to train, he is all business, and can't wait to get out in the field! He is very dependable, and always makes sure he gets his bird! He is also a very sweet , calm , boy, and gets along with everyone. He is just a wonderful dog, and we are very proud of him! We are very lucky to have him in our family. Tucker has a easy to care for gorgeous dark red coat, and weighs about 80 lbs. His pedigree is full of famous titled goldens. We are currently training him to compete for his Senior title.
Pedigree |
Parents |
GrandParents |
GreatGrandParents |
RockErin Fionn MacCool JH, WCX
NDC NMFR RockErin Red River Ruckus ***OS |
FC AFC Glenhaven HTRS MN Baronet MH OS FDHF |
FTCH GMHR Cedarpond RockErin Beabhin*** |
JFR Cedarpond Rockerin Tyree Tu JH |
AFC Caymans Rum Point Red OS FDHF |
FTCH AFTCH Cedarpond Beetlejuice Razcal AM***OD |
Topbrass Alpine Babe |
FC AFC Emberain Beau Geste OS FDHF |
FC Wraiths HTR MN Bro Macdhuibh OS |
Emberain All Buttered Up CDX JH MX MXJ WC OD |
Ram River Teal of Topbrass |
Tangelo Woodchuck MH*** |
Peanut Brittle V AM/CAN *** OD |